
VFDA Mentorship Program

You Can Strengthen the Funeral Profession in Virginia. Here’s How.



Do you remember your first day on the job? Was it a sweltering summer day and you were nervous about sweating through your suit? Maybe you encountered a family experiencing a tragic, unexpected loss. Or perhaps the flowers fell apart on the way to the cemetery. Whatever the case, we hope you had a mentor or a trusted adviser you could turn to when things got tough.

Unfortunately, many of our up-and-coming funeral professionals do not.

That’s why the Virginia Funeral Directors Association is excited about our mentorship program, and we would like to invite you to be a part of it.

Mentorship isn’t just about answering questions and building confidence. A recent study showed companies that offer mentorship programs see improved employee engagement and retention, reduced conflict, improved productivity, and a better sense of clarity on where the business is going. In short, employees who are mentored are invested in the future of their profession.

For us at the VFDA, it means building a stronger, more engaged association dedicated to our core values of serving the communities of Virginia well and advocating for our profession at all levels of government. It means creating a pipeline of thoughtful leaders and embracing innovation. It means ensuring the funeral profession is equipped for whatever the future holds.

And it can start with you.

Your experience and knowledge of the important work we do can enhance the professional lives of those just starting out in our business.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us at